

Rauno Lust, keskkonnatehnoloogia
Bioelectrochemical systems for enhanced removal of nitrate from water with a low electron donor concentration

Tauri Tampuu, geograafia
Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry as a tool for monitoring the dynamics of peatland surface

Najmeh Mozaffaree Pour, geograafia
Urban expansion in Estonia: monitoring, analysis, and modeling

Alisa Krasnova, geograafia
Greenhouse gas fluxes in hemiboreal forest ecosystems

Keit Kill, keskkonnatehnoloogia
Nutrient fluxes regulation in an in-stream constructed wetland treating polluted agricultural runoff

Anniki Puura, geograafia
Relationships between personal social networks and spatial mobility with mobile phone data


Gert Veber, geograafia
Greenhouse gas fluxes in natural and drained peatlands: spatial and temporal dynamics

Kertu Tiirik, keskkonnatehnoloogia
Antibiotic resistance in connected engineered and natural aquatic environments

Johanna Pirrus, geograafia
Contemporary urban policies and planning measures in socialist-era large housing estates

Veronika Mooses, geograafia
Towards a more comprehensive understanding of ethnic segregation: activity space and the vicious circle of segregation

Ingmar Pastak, geograafia
Gentrification and displacement of long-term residents in post-industrial neighbourhoods of Tallinn


Iuliia Burdun, geograafia
Improving groundwater table monitoring for Northern Hemisphere peatlands
using optical and thermal satellite data

Birgit Viru, geograafia
Snow cover dynamics and its impact on greenhouse gas fluxes in drained peatlands in Estonia

Janika Raun, geograafia
Mobile positioning data for tourism destination studies and statistics


Pille Metspalu, geograafia
The changing role of the planner. Implications of creative pragmatism in Estonian spatial planning

Kaie Kriiska, geograafia
Variation in annual carbon fluxes affecting the soil organic carbon pool and the dynamics of decomposition in hemiboreal coniferous forests

Kristiina Kukk, geograafia
Understanding the vicious circle of segregation: the role of leisure time activities


Kristjan Oopkaup, keskkonnatehnoloogia
Microbial community and its relationship with pollutant removal in treatment wetlands

Kiira Mõisja, geograafia
Thematic accuracy and completeness of topographic maps

Kadi Mägi, geograafia
Ethnic residential segregation and integration of the Russian-speaking population in Estonia

Enel Pungas, geograafia
Differences in Migration Intentions by Ethnicity and Education: The Case of Estonia

Tanel Tamm, geograafia
Use of local statistics in remote sensing of grasslands and forests

Liisi Jakobson, geograafia
Mutual effects of wind speed, air temperature and sea ice concentration in the Arctic and their teleconnections with climate variability in the eastern Baltic Sea region


Ülle Napa, geograafia
Heavy metals in Estonian coniferous forests

Jens-Konrad Preem, keskkonnatehnoloogia
Forest soil bacterial community analysis using high-throughput amplicon sequencing

Mikk Espenberg, keskkonnatehnoloogia
Impact of management on peatland microbiome and greenhouse gas emissions

Merle Muru, geograafia
GIS-based palaeogeographical reconstructions of the Baltic Sea shores in Estonia and adjoining areas during the Stone Age

Age Poom, geograafia
Spatial aspects of the environmental load of consumption and mobility


Mari Nuga, geograafia
Soviet-era summerhouses. On homes and planning in post-socialist suburbia

Kuno Kasak, keskkonnatehnoloogia
Greenhouse gas emissions and water treatment efficiency in subsurface flow filters using various substrates

Raili Torga, geograafia
The effects of elevated humidity, extreme weather conditions and clear-cut on greenhouse gas emissions in fast growing deciduous forests


Teele Ligi, keskkonnatehnoloogia
Bacterial community structure and its genetic potential for nitrogen removal in the soils and sediments of a created riverine wetland complex

Järvi Järveoja, geograafia
Fluxes of the greenhouse gases CO2, CH4 and N2O from abandoned peat extraction areas: Impact of bioenergy crop cultivation and peatland restoration

Mart Reimann, geograafia
Formation and Assessment of Landscape Recreational Values

Piret Pungas-Kohv, geograafia
Between maintaining and sustaining heritage in landscape: The examples of Estonian mires and village swings


Kristi Anniste, geograafia
East - West migration in Europe: The case of Estonia after regaining independence

Jaanus Veemaa, geograafia
Recosnidering geography and power:policie ensembles, spatial knowledge, and the request for consistent imagination

Riina Vaht, geograafia
The impact of oil shale mine water on hydrological pathways and regime in northeast Estonia

Kaupo Mändla, geograafia
Southern cyclones in northern Europe and their influence on climate variability

Sven-Erik Enno, geograafia
Thunderstorm and lightning climatology in the Baltic countries and in northern Europe

Mart Külvik, geograafia
Ecological networks in Estonia — concepts and applications

Heno Sarv, geograafia
Indigenous Europeans east of Moscow: population and migration patterns of the largest Finno-Ugrian peoples in Russia from the 18th to the 20th centuries

Robert Szava-Kovats, geograafia
Assessment of stream sediment contamination by median sum of weighted residuals regression

Ain Kull, geograafia
Impact of weather and climatic fluctuations on nutrient flows in rural catchments

Tõnu Mauring, geograafia
Wastewater treatment weltlands in Estonia: efficiency and landscape analysis

Tiit Tammaru, geograafia
Linnastumine ja linnade kasv Eestis nõukogude aastatel

Garri Raagmaa, geograafia
Regional identity and public leaders in regional economic development

Эрки Таммиксаар, geograafia
Географические аспекты творчества Карла Бэра в 1830–1840 гг

Rein Ahas, geograafia
Spatial and temporal variability of phenological phases in Estonia

Kalev Sepp, geograafia
The methodology and applications of agricultural landscape monitoring in Estonia

Valdo Kuusemets, geograafia
Nitrogen and phosphorus transformation in riparian buffer zones of agricultural landscapes in Estonia

Eiki Berg, geograafia
Estonia’s northeastern periphery in politics: socio-economic and ethnic dimensions

Hannes Palang (1998), geograafia. Landscape changes in Estonia: the past and the future

Kjell Weppling (1997), geograafia. On the assessment of feasible liming strategies for acid sulphate waters in Finland

Kiira Aaviksoo (1993), geograafia. Application of Markov Models in Investigation of Vegetation and Land Use Dynamics in Estonian Mire Landscapes

Ülo Suursaar (1993), geograafia. Soome lahe avaosa ja Eesti rannikumere vee kvaliteedi analüüs

Urmas Peterson (1993), geograafia. Studies on Reflectance Factor Dynamics of Forest Communities in Estonia

Вийви Руссак (1991), geograafia. Солнечная радиация в Тыравере

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