Chair of physical geography and landscape ecology seminar: "The first Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) geostationary weather satellite – observing clouds and lightning"/Sven-Erik Enno
Chair of physical geography and landscape ecology seminar: "Preliminary results from collaboration with State Forest Management Centre on greenhouse gas fluxes in reforested peatlands"/Mohit Masta, PhD
TÜ geograafia osakond kutsub esmakordselt üles ettevõtteid ja organisatsioone, kellel on huvipakkuvaid teemasid, mille uurimisega saaksid geograafia magistrandid neid aidata, endast märku andma.
On 7 September Kertu Liis Krigul, Jürgen Karvak and Kristo Raun will explain why it is worthwhile for young researchers to participate in the competition