Root Ecology Lab

Our research investigates processes in ecosystems belowground, particularly how roots and their associated rhizobiome are influenced by climate and land-use change. We quantify carbon and nutrient pools and fluxes in belowground at different scales, ranging from molecular to landscape level, to assess ecosystems response to environmental conditions. We are working in a variety of ecosystems, including subarctic ecosystems, boreal and temperate forests, free-air manipulation experiments backed up with experiments in controlled climate chamber conditions. As such, we invoke tools from a wide range of disciplines, including landscape and ecosystem ecology, ecophysiology, microbial ecology and soil science. Last but not least, we apply innovative technologies based on different 'omics, geoinformatics, and machine learning approaches.

Members of the working group

Ivika Ostonen-Märtin
Department of Geography
Chair of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology
Professor in Root Ecology
Vanemuise 46-332
+372 737 5231
Ivika Ostonen-Märtin
Department of Geography
Chair of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology
Professor in Root Ecology
Vanemuise 46-332
+372 737 5231
Gristin Rohula-Okunev
Department of Botany
Chair of Ecophysiology
Research Fellow in Plant Ecophysiology
J. Liivi 2-508
Gristin Rohula-Okunev
Department of Botany
Chair of Ecophysiology
Research Fellow in Plant Ecophysiology
J. Liivi 2-508
Marili Sell
Department of Geography
Chair of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology
Research Fellow in Root Ecology
Vanemuise 46-332
Marili Sell
Department of Geography
Chair of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology
Research Fellow in Root Ecology
Vanemuise 46-332
Pall Sigurdsson
Pall Sigurdsson
Biplabi Bhattarai
Biplabi Bhattarai
Arun Kumar Deverajan
Arun Kumar Deverajan
Aliya Sultonova
Aliya Sultonova
Ester Nwume
Ester Nwume
Marian Klaus
bakalaeureuse tudeng
Marian Klaus
bakalaeureuse tudeng