Landscape Biogeochemistry and Ecotechnology Workgroup

The main activities of the research group focus on carbon and nutrient balances in ecosystems. Research topics include catchment studies in diverse landscapes and the cycling of matter in different types of natural, drained and restored peat fens, raised bogs and swamp forests. The group studies how constructed wetlands and buffer zones regulate the chemical cycles and deal with nutrients discharged from intensive land use. Additionally, the solutions help solve household and industrial wastewater treatment problems.

The carbon and nutrient balance studies are conducted in Estonia, the rest of Baltic countries, and globally in more than 60 different regions on all continents. Various methods are used to study gas fluxes in diverse environments (manual and automatic chambers, He-O methodology, Eddy Covariance). The working group uses the world's top instruments, such as Shimadzu, Aerodyne, Picarro, Li-Cor, etc., which enable ultra-precise and modern scientific work.

PeatlandN2O - N2O Budgets in Peatlands - from Process to Ecosystem

Working group members

Ülo Mander
Department of Geography
Chair of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology
Head of Chair, Professor of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology, Academician
Vanemuise 46-338
+372 737 5819
+372 508 7373
Ülo Mander
Department of Geography
Chair of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology
Head of Chair, Professor of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology, Academician
Vanemuise 46-338
+372 737 5819
+372 508 7373
Kaido Soosaar
Department of Geography
Chair of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology
Associate Professor in Ecotechnology
Vanemuise 46-336
+372 737 5817
+372 5564 7551
Kaido Soosaar
Department of Geography
Chair of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology
Associate Professor in Ecotechnology
Vanemuise 46-336
+372 737 5817
+372 5564 7551
Alar Teemusk
Department of Geography
Chair of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology
Research Fellow in Ecotechnology
Vanemuise 46-129
Alar Teemusk
Department of Geography
Chair of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology
Research Fellow in Ecotechnology
Vanemuise 46-129
Jaan Pärn
Department of Geography
Chair of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology
Associate Professor in Landscape Biogeochemistry
Vanemuise 46-337
+372 737 5818
+372 5554 8255
Jaan Pärn
Department of Geography
Chair of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology
Associate Professor in Landscape Biogeochemistry
Vanemuise 46-337
+372 737 5818
+372 5554 8255
Mohit Masta
Department of Geography
Chair of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology
Research Fellow in Soil Biogeochemistry
Vanemuise 46-340
Mohit Masta
Department of Geography
Chair of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology
Research Fellow in Soil Biogeochemistry
Vanemuise 46-340
Laura Kuusemets
Department of Geography
Chair of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology
Junior Research Fellow in Environmental Microbiology
Vanemuise 46-134
Laura Kuusemets
Department of Geography
Chair of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology
Junior Research Fellow in Environmental Microbiology
Vanemuise 46-134
Mikk Espenberg
Department of Geography
Chair of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology
Associate Professor in Environmental Microbiology
Vanemuise 46-241
+372 737 6843
Mikk Espenberg
Department of Geography
Chair of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology
Associate Professor in Environmental Microbiology
Vanemuise 46-241
+372 737 6843
Muhammad Kamil Sardar Ali
Department of Geography
Chair of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology
Junior Research Fellow in Environmental Technology 0.5 p
Vanemuise 46-340
Muhammad Kamil Sardar Ali
Department of Geography
Chair of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology
Junior Research Fellow in Environmental Technology 0.5 p
Vanemuise 46-340
Fahad Ali Kazmi
Department of Geography
Chair of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology
Junior Research Fellow in Environmental Technology 0.2 p
Vanemuise 46-134
Fahad Ali Kazmi
Department of Geography
Chair of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology
Junior Research Fellow in Environmental Technology 0.2 p
Vanemuise 46-134
Hanna Vahter
Hanna Vahter
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