Department of Geography

The Department of Geography, University of Tartu, belongs to the Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences of the Faculty of Science and Technology. The department includes three chairs:
  • geoinformatics and cartography;
  • human geography and regional planning;
  • physical geography and environmental technology.

The chair of geoinformatics and cartography provides education in geomatics, geoinformatics, cartography, and to some extent also in surveying and topography. Research is carried out in the same fields and cartographic and geoinformatic support is provided to the other chairs. There is active collaboration with the Estonian Landboard, mapping company Regio, Estonian Geoinformatics Society. The chair is headed by Prof. Evelyn Uuemaa.

The chair of human geography and regional planning provides education in spatial aspects of functioning of human society, in particular population, culture and mobility, structure of different regions of the world, problems of economy and politics, and regional policy and planning in Estonia and the neighbouring regions. Research is carried out in the same fields. Relations with government agencies and municipalities in Estonian and in neighbouring countries are developed. The chair is headed by Prof. Tiit Tammaru.

The chair of physical geography and environmental technology teaches disciplines of traditional physical geography and fast developing aspects of landscape changes and analysis and environmental technology. Research carried out in the same fields includes studies of nutrient fluxes in landscape, landscape changes, climate change and resulting changes in water fluxes. The chair has wide national and international cooperation with research institutions and government agencies. The chair is headed by Prof. Ülo Mander.

The department has a small library and seminar-room 334.

The geographers, and environmental technologists have their mailing lists to share information about studies and activities.

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