Seminar of the Department of Geography

At this seminar of the Department of Geography, the UT Center for Migration and Urban Studies will present our recent international editing projects, all of which have been successfully published this year. We are introducing two recent books and two special issues that could serve as an interesting reading material for our courses.


1. Kadri Leetmaa introduces a special issue of the magazine Journal of Housing and the Built Environment (ed: Kadri Leetmaa, Matthias Bernt) „Housing estates in the era of marketization – governance practices and urban planning (, in which 11 articles analyze how financialization and the commodification of housing affect the mass housing districts built in the second half of the last century in various European cities.


2. Tiit Tammaru introduces a special issue of the magazine Journal of Transport Geography (ed: Tiit Tammaru, Andres Sevtšuk, Frank Witlox) Towards an equity-centred model of sustainable mobility: Integrating inequality and segregation challenges in the green mobilittransition (, in which 14 articles aim to connect the concepts of sustainable transport, 15-minute city and segregation.


3. Bianka Plüschke-Altof introduces Springer Nature SDG Series book (ed: Bianka Plüschke-Altof, Helen Sooväli-Sepping) Whose Green City? Contested Urban Green Spaces and Environmental Justice in Northern Europe(, in which 9 chapters focus on safe, inclusive and accessible public spaces and discuss who are the winners and losers of urban green developments.


4. Kadri Leetmaa introduces Routledge Research in Historical Geography book (ed: Jasna Mariotti, Kadri Leetmaa) Urban Planning During Socialism Views from the Periphery, ( which 15 chapters constitute a historical retrospective of socialist urban planning, but the latter is conceptualized from the perspective of ’peripheries’.


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