Topic: continuing education

Application for the spring semester’s micro-credential programmes has started
Adult learners are welcome to participate in micro-credential programmes starting in the spring semester to acquire an additional specialisation or competence in a narrow field. Applications can be submitted until 26 January.
13. December 2024 continuing education
Registration for the spring semester's micro-credential programmes ends this week
Adult learners are welcome to participate in micro-credential programmes starting in the spring semester and delivered in block mode or online form suitable for working people. Applications can be submitted until 21 January 2024.
08. December 2023 continuing education
Practical remote sensing online course using Copernicus satellite data opens on 20 September
Tartu Observatory invites you to participate in the MOOC titled "Remote Sensing Practical Case Studies Based on Copernicus Data." Course dates: 20.09.2023 - 15.11.2023
14. September 2023 continuing education
Lifelong learning
Lifelong learning.
26. August 2022 studies