Practical remote sensing online course using Copernicus satellite data opens on 20 September

Kaugseire kursus - Tartu observatoorium - Tartu Ülikool
Marja-Liisa Plats

Tartu Observatory invites you to participate in the MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) titled "Remote sensing practical case studies based on Copernicus data." The course begins on 20 September and lasts for eight weeks. The course will be in English.

The core of the course consists of practical case studies, with an overview of theory provided before each new section. To complete the course, you'll need to pass a test at the end of each section. Upon successfully finishing the course, you will be capable of using satellite data, applying image processing techniques, conducting spatiotemporal analyses, and visualizing results.

A MOOC, or Massive Open Online Course, is a fully web-based continuing education course with open registration, allowing anyone interested to participate for free. MOOCs aim to provide access to higher education for various target groups while introducing and diversifying university learning opportunities.

Successful completion of the course earns you 1 ECTS credit. You can register through ÕIS until 1 October (LTTO.TK.001).

Participants who meet the requirements for completing the MOOC will receive a digital certificate from the University of Tartu.

You can always find the latest MOOC offerings on the website

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