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The University of Tartu, Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn University, the Estonian University of Life Sciences, the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, the Estonian Academy of Arts, and the Gender Equality and Equal Treatment Commissioner celebrate the Diversity Week from 6 to 12 May, under the title “Diverse Estonian universities”.
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On 16 May, the Estonian Doctoral School Career Conference will be held in Tallinn to discuss the value of doctoral studies and the career prospects of doctoral students. All Estonian doctoral students and those interested in doctoral studies are welcome to attend.
  • #for student
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From 8 May to 20 October, all UT employees, students, alumni and all others interested are welcome to complete the orienteering course and reconnect with the history of the UT dormitories.
  • #vilistlaste kokkutulek
  • #for student
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At an annual meeting of the general assembly of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Ülo Mander was elected as a member of the academy in the field of global change.
  • #research
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University of Tartu invites applications for doctoral studies from future researchers and top professionals.
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The strategic plan A2025 period is coming to an end and the university has set up a committee to prepare a new strategic plan.
  • #governance
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With the beginning of spring, tickets for the Linnujämm and the multimedia show "Emajõe sünd" went on sale. The concert and the performances will take place in the unique performance setting of Tartu Lodjakoda.
  • #Tartu2024
  • press-release
On 18 May, thousands of University of Tartu alumni met in the student city again after five years. The alumni get-together “Back to the university” included lectures and tours of institutes across the city, a sing-along and welcoming speeches in front of the main building, a procession and a grand party in the sports hall.
  • #vilistlaste kokkutulek
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On Wednesday, 10 April, at 19:00, the second University of Tartu Spring Run will take place.
  • #sustainability
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The concert is free for all schoolchildren and students and features music by Mozart, Vivaldi, Saariaho, Bochherini and Vasks.
  • #culture
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On 14 March at 13, all university members and language lovers are welcome to the university assembly hall to celebrate Estonia’s Mother Tongue Day.
  • #for society
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Evelyn Uuemaa will deliver her inaugural lecture “Use of spatial data and artificial intelligence in environmental monitoring” in the university assembly hall on Wednesday, 13 March at 16:15.
  • #research
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Martin Haamer and Hanna Britt Soots were among the top five in the finals of the competition “Science in 3 Minutes”.
  • #research
  • UT in media
The theme week, running from 5 to 11 February, will include a social media campaign highlighting the work and achievements of women researchers.
  • #sustainability
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The Digital Cleanup Week will take place at the University of Tartu for the fourth time from 22 to 26 January.
  • #sustainability
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Over the next seven years, the government will fund ten centres of excellence addressing scientific issues of importance to Estonia. The University of Tartu has tight connections with all of them.
  • #sustainability
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Adult learners are welcome to participate in micro-credential programmes starting in the spring semester and delivered in block mode or online form suitable for working people. Applications can be submitted until 21 January 2024.
  • #continuing education
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The University of Tartu will organise its alumni get-together with the slogan “Back to the university” on 18 May 2024. Early-bird tickets at special rates are available from 1 December.
  • #alumni
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The European Research Council (ERC) has awarded Evelyn Uuemaa, Professor of Geoinformatics at the University of Tartu, the Consolidator Grant.
  • #sustainability
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  • press-release
The University of Tartu is inviting future international students to come student shadowing and live one day as a university student.
  • #international
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  • #why Tartu
  • press-release