Public Online Lecture Series on Mobility Analysis and Planning for Human-Scale Cities

jalgrattur sõidab tänaval
Joshi Milestoner

For the fourth spring, the Mobility Lab at the University of Tartu invites everyone interested in sustainable mobility and urban planning topics to participate in the online lecture series featuring leading experts and scholars in mobility and transport from Estonia and beyond. The lectures will be held either in English or Estonian.

The lecture series addresses questions about promoting human-scale, sustainable, and just cities through mobility analysis and transport planning. This year, the lectures will address mobility planning in strategic and spatial plans, the concept of the 15-minute city, urban initiatives on the integration of travel modes, the environmental quality of street space and related social and health aspects, and new directions in higher education for teaching mobility and land-use planning.

Pille Metspalu, a leading spatial planning expert in Estonia, will give the opening lecture on March 20 at 14:15 (Estonian time). She will introduce how human mobility issues have been handled in the latest master plans and the Estonian National Plan 2050, which is currently under development.

Registration is open until the end of this spring series. Registered participants will receive a web link to the lectures.

More information and recordings of lectures from previous years can be found on the university's website


March 20 at 14:15-15:30 (UTC+02:00) PhD Pille Metspalu (HendriksonDGE, University of Tartu, Estonian Association of Spatial Planners) „Approaches to cover mobility topics in comprehensive and national planning practices“ (this lecture is held in Estonian)

April 3 kell 14:15-15:30 (UTC+03:00) Kaidi Põldoja ja Paco-Ernest Ulman (Tallinn Urban Planning Department) “Sustainable mobility initiatives in Tallinn” (this lecture is held in Estonian)

April 10 at 14:15-15:30 (UTC+03:00) PhD Benjamin Büttner (Technical University of Munich) „The story of how the Flowers of Proximity make the 15-minute City blossom”

April 17 at 14:15-15:30 (UTC+03:00) Associate Professor Age Poom (University of Tartu) „How does our travel environment affect us?” (this lecture is held in Estonian)

April 24 at 14:15-15:30 (UTC+03:00) Professor Emeritus Kay W. Axhausen (ETH Zürich) „The dilemma of transport planning: Is e-bike-city a possibility?”

May 8 at 14:15-15:30 (UTC+03:00) Associate Professor Miloš N. Mladenović (Aalto University)„Towards a plangineering identity: Lessons from the Spatial Planning and Transportation Engineering MSc programme”

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