TartuGeo Podcast

TartuGeo is a podcast about geography and geoinformatics related fields along with education, research, history, philosophy, ground breaking ideas and innovation. Host Alexander Kmoch and Tahmin Sitab try to talk about different topics of the fields. The show will also host guests from different sectors who will share insight about their research and work. We try to bring up new episodes every 15 days with exciting and newer topics of geoinformatics and geography. Stay tuned and happy listening.


Alexander Kmoch


Tahmin Sitab

E014 - Logistics Visibility With Jaak Laineste, Sixfold, https://tartugeo-podcast.com/e014-logistics-visibilty-with-jaak-laineste...

E013 - On-Demand Mapping Technologies in Tartu With Gaspar Anton, https://tartugeo-podcast.com/e013-tartu-mapping-tech-with-gaspar-anton-e...

E012 - Geospatial Professionals in Tartu Mobility Intelligence With Erki Saluveer, https://tartugeo-podcast.com/e012-tartu-mobility-intelligence-with-erki-...

E011 - Geospatial Professionals in Tartu - Remote Sensing With Kaupo Voormansik and Tanel Tamm From KappaZeta, https://tartugeo-podcast.com/e011-tartu-remotesensing-pros-with-kappazeta/

E010 - Geospatial Professionals in Tartu With Martin Jüssi, https://tartugeo-podcast.com/e010-tartu-geospatial-pros-with-martin-jussi/

E009 - Cultural Geography With Taavi Pae, https://tartugeo-podcast.com/e009-cultural-geography-with-taavi-pae/

E008 - Perspectives Of A Fresh Graduate On GIS, külaliseks Margarita Oja, https://tartugeo-podcast.com/e008-perspective-of-a-fresh-graduate/

E007 - Gis Applications During Covid-19, https://tartugeo-podcast.com/e007-gis-applications-in-corona/

E006 - Human Geography And Interview With Kadri Leetmaa, https://tartugeo-podcast.com/e006-human-geography-kadri-leetma/

E005 - Interview With Professor Tiit Tammaru, https://tartugeo-podcast.com/e005-human-geography-tiit-tammaru/

E004 - Teaching and Curriculum Development - Interview With Assoc Prof Barbara Hofer From Z-GIS Salzburg

E003 - The Chair of Geoinformatics and Cartography of the Department of Geography at the University of Tartu
(Tõnu Oja, Evelyn Uuemaa, Bruno Montibeller), https://tartugeo-podcast.com/e003-chair_of_geoinformatics/

E002 - Interview With Topi Tjukanov on Open Source vs Commercial GIS, https://tartugeo-podcast.com/e002-fossgis_interview_topi/

E001 - Open Source vs Commercial GIS, seminar linnastunud ühiskonna magistrantidega "Ruumiandmete stuudio" raames https://tartugeo-podcast.com/e001-fossgis/

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