Opening event and info sessions in the Department of Geography

Geograafia osakonna õppeaasta avamise ühispilt
Juhan Villem Kaivo

The Department of Geography opens the new academic year on September 4th. We invite all students and staff members to the opening event and group photo.

At 14.00 we will gather in front of the statue of Jakob Hurt in front of the Vanemuise 46 study building. We will take a group photo of all geographers.

After that, approximately at 14.30 we will gather in auditorium 327 to say the opening words for the new year and welcome the new people in our department. It will be followed by snacks and informal chat.

Before and after there will be information sessions for new students:

11.00 - info session for the Master students of Geoinformatics for Urbanised Society (room 335)

13.00 - info session for the Bachelor students of geography (room 327)

Approx. 15.30 - info session for the Master students of Geography (room 327)

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