Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Tartu linn,
Tartu linn, Tartumaa
Anti Selart
Anti Selart
PhD (History)
+372 737 6506
+372 5340 6116 (6506)
Riho Altnurme
Riho Altnurme
Vice Dean for Research
dr. theol.
+372 5344 1310
Jakobi 2-127

Research interests:

  • history of theology in Estonia,
  • methodology and historiography of church history,
  • secularization,
  • interconfessional relations combined with national(ist) ideas,
  • Lutheran-Orthodox-Roman Catholic relations,
  • Baltic German heritage in Estonian context.

CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information System

Anneli Saro
Anneli Saro
Vice Dean for Academic Affairs
PhD (Estonian Literature)
+372 5557 5657
Klaarika Marton
Klaarika Marton
Head of Dean's Office
+372 737 5424
+372 5562 2982 (5424)
Jakobi 2-116
Külli Kuusik
Külli Kuusik
Academic Affairs Senior Specialist
+372 737 5342
Jakobi 2-118
Heddy Haljak
Heddy Haljak
Academic Affairs Senior Specialist
+372 737 5344
Jakobi 2-118
Eva-Kaia Vabamäe
Eva-Kaia Vabamäe
Development and Communication Manager
+372 737 6148
+372 5560 8051 (6148)
Jakobi 2-116
Maris Meus
Maris Meus
Specialist for Marketing and Communication
+372 737 6535
Jakobi 2-119

Centre of Doctoral Studies

Riho Altnurme
Riho Altnurme
Head of Centre
dr. theol.
+372 5344 1310

Research interests:

  • history of theology in Estonia,
  • methodology and historiography of church history,
  • secularization,
  • interconfessional relations combined with national(ist) ideas,
  • Lutheran-Orthodox-Roman Catholic relations,
  • Baltic German heritage in Estonian context.

CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information System

Lii Lang
Lii Lang
Senior Specialist for Doctoral Studies and Projects
MA (Translation)
+372 737 5346
Jakobi 2–119

Centre for Didactics of Humanities

Olga Schihalejev
Olga Schihalejev
Head of Centre
dr. theol.

Research interests:

  • didactics of religious education,
  • values of education in schools more broadly, and issues related to cultural and religious diversity in schools from the perspective of both learners and teachers.

CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information System

Ene Leius
Academic Affairs Specialist
+372 737 5656
Jakobi 2-215
Kätlin Jansons
Kätlin Jansons
Coordinator-Communications Specialist
MA (Translation)
+372 737 6505

Department of Archaeology

Chair of Archaeology

Valter Lang
Valter Lang
Academician, Professor of Archaeology
PhD (Archaeology)
Jakobi 2-205
Mari Tõrv
Mari Tõrv
Associate Professor of Archaeology 0.5 p
PhD (Archaeology)
+372 737 5652
Jakobi 2-204
Eve Rannamäe
Eve Rannamäe
Associate Professor of Archaeology
PhD (Archaeology)
Jakobi 2-203
Sander Nuut
Specialist of Scientific Collections 0.5 p
MA (Archaeology)

Chair of Laboratory Archaeology

Aivar Kriiska
Aivar Kriiska
Professor of Laboratory Archaeology
PhD (Archaeology)
Jakobi 2-206
Ester Oras
Ester Oras
Associate Professor of Archaeology 0.5 p
+372 737 5652
Jakobi 2-204
Maris Niinesalu-Moon
Junior Research Fellow in Archaeology 0.5 p
MA (Archaeology)
Raivo Suni
Junior Research Fellow in Archaeology
MA (Archaeology)

Centre for Archaeological Research and Infrastructure

Heiki Valk
Heiki Valk
Head of Centre, Professor of Archaeology
PhD (Archaeology)
+372 737 5653
Jakobi 2-209
Andres Tvauri
Andres Tvauri
Associate Professor of Archaeology
PhD (Archaeology)
+372 508 9803
Jakobi 2-202
Riina Rammo
Riina Rammo
Associate Professor of Archaeology
PhD (Archaeology)
+372 737 5659
Jakobi 2-208
Ragnar Saage
Ragnar Saage
Research Fellow in Archaeology
PhD (Archaeology)
+372 737 5659
Jakobi 2-208
Kristel Kajak
Kristel Kajak
MSc (Preservation of Cultural Heritage)
+372 737 5659
Jakobi 2-208
Riina Juurik
Riina Juurik
Curator of Archaeological Collections
+372 737 5653
Jakobi 2-211
Taisi Juus
Taisi Juus
Technician 0.75 p
MA (Archaeology)
Jakobi 2-212

Töötan arheoloogiaarhiivis ja -raamatukogus alates 2017. a sügisest. Minu tööülesanneteks on arhiivi ja raamatukogu haldamine – uute arhivaalide arvelevõtmine, andmebaasi sisestamine, arhiivi ja raamatukogu korrashoid ning uute raamatute kataloogimine ja kasutajatele raamatute laenutamine.

Arheoloogiaga olen aktiivsemalt tegelenud alates 2012. aastast. Ühtlasi kaitsesin Tartu Ülikoolis ka bakalaureuse- ja magistrikraadi. Õpingute jooksul olen tegelenud erinevate teemadega – bakalaureuseastmes uurisin Kohtla Vanaküla peitleiust välja tulnud sirpide katkeid ning magistrantuuris Eesti arheoloogiakogudes leiduvaid mesoliitilisi luust liitesemeid ja Eestist, Valgevenest ja Venemaalt pärit kiviaegseid kitiproove, mida analüüsisin infrapunaspektroskoopia (ATR-FT-IR) meetodiga.

Riina Vesi
Riina Vesi
+372 737 5653
Jakobi 2-211



Maria Smirnova
Maria Smirnova
Junior Research Fellow in Archaeology (employment contract suspended)
MA (Archaeology)

Department of Archival Studies

Aigi Rahi-Tamm
Aigi Rahi-Tamm
Head of Department, Professor of Archival Studies
PhD (History)
Jakobi 2-222
Kurmo Konsa
Kurmo Konsa
Associate Professor of Archival Studies (Preservation) 0.5 p
PhD (Information Science)
Jakobi 2-221
Olev Liivik
Olev Liivik
Associate Professor of Archival Studies 0.5 p
PhD (History)
Toivo Kikkas
Junior Research Fellow in Archival Studies
MA (Archival Studies)

Department of Estonian History

Tõnu-Andrus Tannberg
Tõnu-Andrus Tannberg
Head of Department, Academician, Professor of Estonian History
PhD (History)
+372 737 6510
Jakobi 2-220
Ago Pajur
Ago Pajur
Associate Professor of Estonian History (Contemporary History)
PhD (History)
+372 737 6509
Jakobi 2-231
Enn Küng
Enn Küng
Associate Professor of Estonian History (Early Modern and Modern History)
PhD (History)
+372 737 6509
Jakobi 2-231
Andres Andresen
Andres Andresen
Associate Professor of Estonian Modern History 0.75 p
PhD (History)
+372 737 6509
Jakobi 2-231
Anu Raudsepp
Anu Raudsepp
Associate Professor of History Didactics
PhD (History)
+372 737 6509
Jakobi 2-231
Lauri Kann
Lauri Kann
Lecturer in Didactics of History 0.2 p
PhD (History)
Ilmar Tammisto
Ilmar Tammisto
Lecturer in Didactics of History 0.2 p
PhD (History)

Ilmar Tammisto peamiseks uurimisvaldkonnaks on varauusaegse Läänemere regiooni poliitiline ajalugu. Ta on uurinud rootsiaegse Liivimaa haldussüsteemi sisemist toimimist ja arenguid, milles põhirõhk on olnud
kohaliku aadliga seotud administratiivsetel ja sõjaväelistel institutsioonidel. Tema doktoriväitekiri keskendus Liivimaa valitsemisele aastatel 1634 kuni 1680, pöörates erilist tähelepanu Rootsi riigivõimu ja baltisaksa aadli kokkupuutepunktidele ja koostööle.

Janet Laidla
Janet Laidla
Lecturer in Estonian History, Programme Director
PhD (History)
Jakobi 2-233
Mann Loper
Junior Research Fellow in History
MA (Teacher of History and Civics)

Department of Art History

Anu Mänd
Anu Mänd
Professor of Art History
PhD (Medieval Studies)
Tõnis Tatar
Tõnis Tatar
Lecturer in Art History
PhD (History of Art)
+372 737 5655
Ülikooli 18-024
Anu Ormisson-Lahe
Anu Ormisson-Lahe
Junior Lecturer in Art History
MA (History of Art)
+372 737 5655
Ülikooli 18-024
Kadri Asmer
Junior Lecturer in Art History 0.7 p
MA (History of Art)
+372 529 9994 (6166)
Ülikooli 18-024
Elis Pärn
Elis Pärn
Junior Research Fellow in Art History
MA (History of Art)

Department of Contemporary History

Olaf Mertelsmann
Olaf Mertelsmann
Head of Department, Professor of Eastern European History
Dr. phil. (Modern History)
+372 737 6504
Jakobi 2-223
Eero Medijainen
Eero Medijainen
Professor of Contemporary History
PhD (History)
+372 737 6504
Jakobi 2-223
Kaarel Piirimäe
Kaarel Piirimäe
Associate Professor of Contemporary History
PhD (History)
+372 737 5651
Jakobi 2-223
Jaak Valge
Jaak Valge
Associate Professor of Modern and Contemporary History 0.5 p
PhD (History)
+372 737 6504
Jakobi 2-223
Ivan Lavrentjev
Ivan Lavrentjev
Junior Research Fellow in Contemporary History 0.5 p
MA (Russian Studies)
+372 5387 7840

Department of General History

Mati Laur
Mati Laur
Head of Department, Professor of Modern History
PhD (History)
+372 737 5657
Jakobi 2-218
Anti Selart
Anti Selart
Professor of Medieval History
PhD (History)
+372 737 6506
+372 5340 6116 (6506)
Jakobi 2-225
Mait Kõiv
Mait Kõiv
Associate Professor of General History (Ancient History)
PhD (History)
+372 737 5657
Jakobi 2-219
Marten Seppel
Marten Seppel
Associate Professor of Early Modern History
PhD (History)
+372 737 5657
Jakobi 2-219
Mihkel Mäesalu
Mihkel Mäesalu
Research Fellow in Medieval Studies
PhD (History)
+372 737 5657
Jakobi 2-219
Madis Maasing
Madis Maasing
Research Fellow in Early Modern Period Studies
PhD (History)
+372 737 5657
Jakobi 2-219
Elo-Mall Toomet
Junior Research Fellow in General History 0.5 p
MA (Classical Philology)
Marko Zanev
Junior Research Fellow in General History
MA (Teacher of History and Civics)
Liina Lindström
Liina Lindström
Head of Institute
PhD (Estonian Language)
+372 513 8446 (8446)
Jakobi 2-443
Virve-Anneli Vihman
Virve-Anneli Vihman
Deputy Head of Development
PhD (Linguistics)
+372 5349 6820
Jakobi 2-416
Tiia Margus
Tiia Margus
+372 737 5221
+372 5621 1096 (5221)
Jakobi 2-433
Keit Mõisavald
Keit Mõisavald
Specialist of Marketing and Communications
+372 5903 8679
Jakobi 2-432

Department of Estonian

Liina Lindström
Liina Lindström
Head of Department, Professor of Modern Estonian Language
PhD (Estonian Language)
+372 513 8446 (8446)
Jakobi 2-443
Karl Pajusalu
Karl Pajusalu
Academician, Professor of History and Dialects of Estonian Language
PhD (Finno-Ugric Languages)
+372 526 7733 (6124)
Jakobi 2-425
Külli Habicht
Külli Habicht
Associate Professor of Estonian Language
PhD (Estonian Language)
Jakobi 2-444
Pire Teras
Pire Teras
Associate Professor of Estonian Phonetics, Programme Director for Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics, Programme Director for Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics
PhD (Estonian Language)
Jakobi 2-411
Sulev Iva
Sulev Iva
Lecturer in South Estonian Language and Culture 0.5 p
PhD (Finnic Languages)
+372 737 5422
Jakobi 2-413
Helen Plado
Helen Plado
Lecturer in Estonian Language 0.2 p
PhD (Estonian Language)
Jakobi 2-426
Andra Annuka-Loik
Lecturer in Estonian Text Linguistics
PhD (Estonian Language)
Katrin Kern
Katrin Kern
Teacher of Estonian Language Editing and Stylistics 0.5 p
Jakobi 2-439
Külli Prillop
Research Fellow in Estonian Phonology
PhD (Estonian Language)
Jakobi 2-445
Triin Todesk
Triin Todesk
Research Fellow in South Estonian Varieties
PhD (Uralic languages)
Jakobi 2-430
Lydia Risberg
Research Fellow in Estonian Language 0.4 p
PhD (Estonian Language)
Kristiina Vaik
Kristiina Vaik
Junior Research Fellow in Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics
MA (Computational Linguistics)
Jakobi 2-404
Axel Carsten Jagau
Junior Research Fellow in Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics 0.5 p
MA (Finno-Ugric Philology)
Jakobi 2-445
Aet Kuusik
Junior Research Fellow in Linguistics
MA (Language Editor)
Kristel Algvere
Junior Research Fellow in Linguistics
MA (Estonian Language)
Jakobi 2-431
Annika Pant
Annika Kängsepp
Junior Research Fellow in Linguistics
MA (Estonian Language)
Jakobi 2-430
Kelli Pekkenen
Junior Research Fellow in Linguistics
mag (European and American languages and literatures)
Jakobi 2-431
Carl Eric Simmul
Junior Research Fellow in Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics 0.9 p
MA (Estonian Language)
Jakobi 2-431
Helena Lemendik
Junior Research Fellow in Linguistics
MA (Linguistics and Language Editing)
Elisabeth Kaukonen
Junior Research Fellow in Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics 0.5 p
MA (Estonian Language)
+372 737 5423
Jakobi 2-431
Janek Vaab
Junior Research Fellow in Finno-Ugric Studies
MA (Estonian Language)
Triin Aasa
Junior Research Fellow in Linguistics
MA (Estonian Language)
Andra Rumm
Andra Rumm
Lecturer in Estonian Language (employment contract suspended) 0.5 p
PhD (General Linguistics)
Ann Siiman
Ann Siiman
Lecturer in Estonian Language (employment contract suspended)
PhD (Estonian Language)

Phonetics Lab

Pärtel Lippus
Pärtel Lippus
Associate Professor of Estonian Phonetics
PhD (Estonian Language)
Jakobi 2-408
Tuuli Tuisk
Tuuli Tuisk
Research Fellow in Phonetics of Finnic Languages
PhD (Finnic Languages)
Jakobi 2-409
Kaidi Lõo
Kaidi Lõo
Research Fellow in Psycholinguistics
Jakobi 2-405
Anton Malmi
Anton Malmi
Research Fellow in Phonetics
PhD (General Linguistics)
Jakobi 2-408
Shaohan Wu
Junior Research Fellow in Linguistics
MA (Linguistics)
Katrin Leppik
Katrin Leppik
Junior Research Fellow in Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics
MA (General Linguistics)
Jakobi 2–409

Laboratory of Spoken and Computer Mediated Communication

Andriela Rääbis
Andriela Rääbis
Research Fellow in Spoken Language
PhD (General Linguistics)
Jakobi 2-407
Tiit Hennoste
Tiit Hennoste
Research Fellow in Spoken Language and Conversation Analysis
PhD (Estonian Language)
Jakobi 2-407
Piret Upser
Junior Research Fellow in Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics 0.5 p
MA (Estonian Language)
Jakobi 2-406

Centre for Estonian Orthography and Composition

Riina Reinsalu
Riina Reinsalu
Lecturer in Estonian Text Linguistics (employment contract suspended)
PhD (Estonian Language)

Centre for South Estonian Language and Culture Studies

Eva Saar
Coordinator (employment contract suspended) 0.3 p
PhD (Finnic Languages)
+372 737 5422

Department of Finno-Ugric Studies

Gerson Klumpp
Gerson Stefan Klumpp
Head of Department, Professor of Finno-Ugric Languages, Programme Director for Estonian and Finno-Ugric Languages
Dr. phil. (Finno-Ugric Philology)
+372 737 6537
Jakobi 2-415
Petar Dimitrov Kehayov
Professor of Finnic Languages
PhD (Estonian Language)
Jakobi 2-419
Fedor Rozhanskiy
Fedor Rozhanskiy
Associate Professor of Finno-Ugric Languages
cand (Philology)
Jakobi 2-410
Miina Norvik
Miina Norvik
Associate Professor of Finnic Languages and Language Typology
PhD (Finnic Languages)
Jakobi 2-445
Elena Markus
Elena Markus
Associate Professor of Finnic Languages
cand (Philology)
Jakobi 2-405
Krisztina Toth
Visiting Lecturer in Hungarian Language
mag (Hungarian Language and Literature)
+372 737 5220
Jakobi 2-420
Nikolay Kuznetsov
Lecturer in Finno-Ugric Languages 0.8 p
PhD (Uralic languages)
Margit Kuusk
Margit Kuusk
Teacher in Finnish Language and Culture
MA (Finnic Languages)
+372 737 5220
Jakobi 2-420
Eva Saar
Research Fellow in Finnic Languages
PhD (Finnic Languages)
+372 737 5422
Jakobi 2-413
Iuliia Zubova
Iuliia Zubova
Junior Research Fellow in Finno-Ugric Studies
MSc (Fundamental and Applied Linguistics)
Jakobi 2-418
Eda-Riin Tuuling
Eda-Riin Tuuling
Junior Research Fellow 0.5 p
MA (Finno-Ugric Languages)
Jakobi 2-418
Merit Niinemägi
Junior Research Fellow in Saami Languages 0.3 p
MA (Finno-Ugric Languages)
Jakobi 2–418
Bogáta Timár
Junior Research Fellow in Finno-Ugric Studies
MA (Finno-Ugric Studies)
Andrea Nagy
Andrea Nagy
Academic Affairs Specialist
+372 737 5423
Jakobi 2-432

Department of General Linguistics

Renate Pajusalu
Renate Pajusalu
Head of Department, Professor of General Linguistics
PhD (Estonian Language)
Jakobi 2-403
Ilona Tragel
Professor of Language Awareness and Estonian Language Teaching
PhD (General Linguistics)
526 4065 (3356)
Jakobi 2-442
Kadri Muischnek
Kadri Muischnek
Associate Professor of Computational Linguistics 0.5 p
PhD (Estonian Language)
+372 737 6544
Jakobi 2-426
Ann Veismann
Ann Veismann
Lecturer in Estonian and General Linguistics, Programme Director for Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics
PhD (General Linguistics)
Jakobi 2-402
Helen Hint
Helen Hint
Lecturer in Academic Literacy, Programme Director
PhD (General Linguistics)
+372 737 6022
Jakobi 2-430
Maria Reile
Maria Reile
Research Fellow in Experimental Pragmatics
PhD (General Linguistics)
Jakobi 2-446
Andrea Nagy
Andrea Nagy
Academic Affairs Specialist
+372 737 5423
Jakobi 2-432
Mari Aigro
Mari Aigro
Research Fellow in Morphosyntax
PhD (General Linguistics)
Jakobi 2-430
Piia Taremaa
Piia Taremaa
Research Fellow in General Linguistics
PhD (General Linguistics)
Jakobi 2-446
Aimi Pikksaar
Junior Research Fellow in Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics 0.5 p
MA (General Linguistics)
Nele Karolin Teiva
Junior Research Fellow in Linguistics
MA (General Linguistics)
Heili Orav
Heili Orav
Research Fellow in General Linguistics (employment contract suspended) 0.1 p
PhD (General Linguistics)
+372 737 6143

Department of Applied Linguistics

Birute Klaas-Lang
Birute Klaas-Lang
Head of Department, Professor of Estonian as Foreign Language
cand (Philology)
+372 737 5225
+372 506 9749 (5225)
Jakobi 2-434
Virve-Anneli Vihman
Virve-Anneli Vihman
Professor of Psycholinguistics
PhD (Linguistics)
+372 5349 6820
Jakobi 2-416
Kadri Koreinik
Kadri Koreinik
Associate Professor of Sociology of Language
PhD (Sociology)
Jakobi 2-435
Kristiina Praakli
Kristiina Praakli
Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics
PhD (Estonian Language)
Raili Pool
Raili Pool
Lecturer in Estonian as a Foreign Language
PhD (Estonian Language)
+372 737 5307
Jakobi 2-437
Maarika Teral
Lecturer in Estonian as Foreign Language
PhD (Estonian Language)
Jakobi 2-436
Maigi Vija
Junior Lecturer in Literacy Education, Programme Director
MA (Estonian Language)
Jakobi 2-429
Tiina Kikerpill
Junior Lecturer in Didactics of Estonian as a Second Language 0.5 p
MA (Estonian Language)
Jakobi 2-436
Aive Mandel
Junior Lecturer in Estonian as a Second Language
MA (General Linguistics)
Jakobi 2-429
Katrin Mikk
Junior Research Fellow in Linguistics
MA (Adult Education)
Jakobi 2-436
Kati Käpp
Junior Research Fellow in Linguistics
MA (Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature)
Laura Kirss
Junior Research Fellow in Language Education Policy 0.2 p
MA (Public Administration and Social Policy)
Mari-Liis Korkus
Junior Research Fellow in Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics 0.7 p
MA (General Linguistics)
Jakobi 2-431
Adele Vaks
Junior Research Fellow in Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics 0.5 p
MA (Scandinavian Languages and Literatures)
Jakobi 2-429
Ülle Niin
Academic Affairs Specialist
+372 737 5227
Jakobi 2-432
Kulla Mellov
Language Advisor for Non-Estonian Students
MA (Teacher of Estonian as a Foreign Language)
Jakobi 2-437
Agnes Lea
Specialist 0.5 p
MA (Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature)
Diana Vender
Junior Research Fellow in Linguistics (employment contract suspended)
MA (Teacher of Languages in a Multilingual School)

Centre for Digital Humanities and Information Society, University of Tartu

Siim Orasmaa
Lecturer in Computational Linguistics 0.25 p
PhD (Computer Science)
Joshua Wilbur
Joshua Wilbur
Lecturer in Digital Linguistics
Dr. phil. (General Linguistics)
Jakobi 2-417
Bruno Mölder
Bruno Mölder
Head of Institute
Dr. phil. (Philosophy)
+372 737 6619
Jakobi 2–321

CV in Research Information System
CV in PhilPeople
Personal webpage

Topics of research and supervision

Philosophy of mind in general and in particular:

  • Interpretivism in philosophy of mind
  • Mental fictionalism
  • Folk psychology and scientific study of the mind
  • Experience of time and the metaphysics of time
  • Understanding other people
  • Free will 
Margot Must
Marketing and Communications Specialist 0.8 p
MA (European Studies)

Department of Philosophy

Bruno Mölder
Bruno Mölder
Head of Department
Dr. phil. (Philosophy)
+372 737 6619
Jakobi 2–321

CV in Research Information System
CV in PhilPeople
Personal webpage

Topics of research and supervision

Philosophy of mind in general and in particular:

  • Interpretivism in philosophy of mind
  • Mental fictionalism
  • Folk psychology and scientific study of the mind
  • Experience of time and the metaphysics of time
  • Understanding other people
  • Free will 

Chair of History of Philosophy

Roomet Jakapi
Roomet Jakapi
Head of Chair, Associate Professor of History of Philosophy
PhD (Philosophy)
Jakobi 2-325

CV in Research Information System
Personal website

Topics of research and supervision

  • Early Modern Metaphysics and Epistemology 
  • Natural Philosophy and Theology in Early Modern Britain 
  • Epistemology of Religion 
  • Religious Pluralism 

Chair of Intellectual History

Pärtel Piirimäe
Pärtel Piirimäe
Head of Chair, Professor of Intellectual History
PhD (History)
Jakobi 2-324

CV in Research Information System
Account on Academia platform

Topics of research and supervision

  • European and Estonian intellectual history
  • Early modern political thought and international thought
  • History of early modern international law
  • History of early modern natural law and moral philosophy
  • History of early modern propaganda
  • History of historiography
Meelis Friedenthal
Meelis Friedenthal
Associate Professor of Intellectual History 0.5 p
dr. theol.

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • History of European and Estonian intellectual history
  • History of theology and philosophy
  • History of universities, history of books, disputations, digital humanities
Eduard Parhomenko
Junior Lecturer in History of Philosophy
MA (Philosophy)

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • Kant and German Idealism 
  • Phenomenology 
  • Aesthetics and Phenomenological Approach to Art 
  • Estonian Intellectual History and Philosophy 
  • Soviet Philosophy 
Timo Aava
Visiting Research Fellow
Dr. phil.
Pille Tekku
Junior Research Fellow in Philosophy 0.5 p
MA (Philosophy)

Chair of Practical Philosophy

Kadri Simm
Kadri Simm
Head of Chair, Associate Professor of Practical Philosophy
PhD (Philosophy)
Jakobi 2-328

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • Moral philosophy
  • Practical ethics, esp bioethics, medical ethics, ethical aspects of AI
  • Research ethics/integrity
  • Political philosophy, esp justice, feminist theories
Siobhan Kattago
Siobhan Kattago
Associate Professor of Practical Philosophy
PhD (Sociology)
Jakobi 2–320

CV in Research Information System
CV in PhilPeople

Topics of research and supervision

  • Modernity and its discontents
  • History of political thought
  • Political philosophy of Hannah Arendt
  • Memory, history and tradition
  • Critical theory of the Frankfurt school
  • Political and social philosophy
  • Politics of memory
  • Representation and responsibility
Francesco Orsi
Francesco Orsi
Associate Professor of Theoretical Ethics, Programme Director for Philosophy (MA)
PhD (Philosophy)
Jakobi 2-326

CV in Research Information System
Personal website

Topics of research and supervision

  •     Ethics (utilitarianism, deontology etc)
  •     Metaethics
  •     History of ethics
  •     Practical ethics
  •     Ethics and philosophy of sexuality 
  •     Philosophy of action

Chair of Theoretical Philosophy

Bruno Mölder
Bruno Mölder
Head of Chair, Professor of Philosophy of Mind
Dr. phil. (Philosophy)
+372 737 6619
Jakobi 2–321

CV in Research Information System
CV in PhilPeople
Personal webpage

Topics of research and supervision

Philosophy of mind in general and in particular:

  • Interpretivism in philosophy of mind
  • Mental fictionalism
  • Folk psychology and scientific study of the mind
  • Experience of time and the metaphysics of time
  • Understanding other people
  • Free will 
Uku Tooming
Research Fellow in Theoretical Philosophy, Programme Director
PhD (Philosophy)
Jakobi 2–321

CV in Research Information System
CV in PhilPeople

Topics of research and supervision

  • Imagination
  • Desires
  • Epistemology of imagination and memory
  • Self-knowledge
  • Aesthetic normativity
  • Aesthetic experience
  • Pleasure 

Chair of Philosophy of Science

Endla Lõhkivi
Endla Lõhkivi
Associate Professor of Philosophy of Science
PhD (Philosophy)
Jakobi 2-323

CV in Research Information System
CV in PhilPeople

Topics of research and supervision

  • Empirically informed philosophy of science
  • Values in science
  • Cultures of scientific research
  • Objectivity of science
  • Disciplinary and interdisciplinary research practices 
Ave Mets
Ave Mets
Research Fellow in Philosophy of Science 0.4 p
PhD (Philosophy)
Jakobi 2–323

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • Philosophy and History of Science and Technology
  • Epistemology
  • Philosophy of Law
Jaana Eigi-Watkin
Jaana Eigi-Watkin
Research Fellow in Philosophy of Science (employment contract suspended)
PhD (Philosophy)

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • Social factors in science
  • Epistemic/inductive risk
  • Science in democratic society
  • Participation of non-scientists in science
  • Empirically informed philosophy of science
  • Objectivity 

Department of Semiotics

Tiit Remm
Head of Department, Research Fellow in Semiotics
PhD (Semiotics and Culture Studies)
Jakobi 2-302

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • Semiotics of space
  • Semiotics of the city
  • Sociosemiotics
Timo Maran
Professor of Ecosemiotics and Environmental Humanities
PhD (Semiotics and Culture Studies)
+372 737 6139
Jakobi 2-311

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • Ecosemiotics
  • Ecocriticism
  • Mimicry
  • Estonian nature writing
Peeter Torop
Professor of Semiotics of Culture
PhD (Philology)
+372 737 6155
Jakobi 2-308

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • Semiotics of culture
  • Semiotics of translation
  • Semiotics of literature
  • Cultural theories
Andreas Ventsel
Professor of Political and Sociosemiotics
PhD (Semiotics and Culture Studies)
+372 5562 9976
Jakobi 2–314

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • Political semiotics
  • Semiotic analysis of online communication
  • Semiotics of culture
  • Poststructuralist discourse theory
Mihhail Lotman
Visiting Professor of Semiotics 0.1 p
PhD (Semiotics and Culture Studies)
+372 737 5934
Jakobi 2–307

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • General and cultural semiotics
  • Semiotics of verse,
  • Rhetorics and poetics
  • Analysis of film
  • Text theory
  • Russian literature
Maarja Ojamaa
Associate Professor of Semiotics
PhD (Semiotics and Culture Studies)
Jakobi 2-314

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • Semiotics of digital culture
  • Semiotics of cultural education
  • Cultural autocommunication
  • Transmediality
Silvi Salupere
Lecturer in Semiotics
PhD (Semiotics and Culture Studies)
+372 737 6154
Jakobi 2-314

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • History of semiotics
  • Semiotics metalanguage
  • Juri Lotman's cultural semiotics
Anti Randviir
Lecturer in Semiotics, Programme Director for Semiotics and Culture Studies
PhD (Semiotics and Culture Studies)
+372 737 5934
Jakobi 2-309

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • Sociosemiotics
  • Semiotics of space
  • Subculture studies
  • Semiotic language of description
Katre Pärn
Junior Lecturer in Semiotics, Programme Director for Semiotics and Culture Studies (BA)
Jakobi 2-302

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • Cultural semiotics and analysis of culture
  • Semiotics of film and media semiotics
Mari-Liis Madisson
Research Fellow in Semiotics
PhD (Semiotics and Culture Studies)
Jakobi 2–313

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • Semiotics of culture
  • Political semiotics
  • Media semiotics
  • Processes of identification
  • Online culture
  • Conspiracy theories
Silver Rattasepp
Research Fellow in Semiotics 0.5 p, Programme Director for Semiotics
PhD (Semiotics and Culture Studies)
Jakobi 2–304

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • Posthumanism
  • Animal studies
  • Zoosemiotics
  • Philosophy of science
Riin Magnus
Research Fellow in Semiotics 0.75 p
PhD (Semiotics and Culture Studies)
Jakobi 2-302

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • Urban ecosemiotics
  • Jakob von Uexküll’s biosemiotics
  • Human-non-human animal communication
  • Semiotics of alien species
Auli Viidalepp
Research Fellow in Semiotics
PhD (Semiotics and Culture Studies)

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • technosemiotics
  • technological systems and society
  • deepfakes and synthetic media
  • science and technology studies
Nelly Mäekivi
Research Fellow in Semiotics, Programme Director for Semiotics and Culture Studies (MA)
PhD (Semiotics and Culture Studies)
Jakobi 2–302

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • Ecosemiotics
  • Semiotic analysis of hybrid environments
  • Zoobiology
Yekaterina Lukina
Junior Research Fellow in Semiotics and Culture Studies 0.5 p
Jakobi 2–304
Eleni Alexandri
Junior Research Fellow in Semiotics 0.5 p
MA (Semiotics)
Jakobi 2–309
Rene Kiis
Junior Research Fellow in Semiotics
MA (Semiotics and Culture Studies)
Jakobi 2-304
Tuuli Pern
International Relations Specialist 0.5 p
+372 737 5954
Ulvi Urm
Executive Secretary
+372 737 5933
Jakobi 2-317

Centre for Semiotic Applications, University of Tartu

Martin Oja
Administrative Manager
MA (Semiotics and Culture Studies)
Jakobi 2–314
Ulla Juske
Administrative Manager (employment contract suspended)
MA (Semiotics and Culture Studies)

Centre for Ethics

Pildil on naine seismas treppide taustal
Helen Hirsnik
Values Development Consultant for Schools and Kindergartens 0.5 p
Art Leete (foto: A. Tennus)
Art Leete
Head of Institute
PhD (Estonian and Comparative Folklore)
+372 737 6257
Anastasiya Astapova
Anastasiya Astapova
Deputy Head of Institute
PhD (Estonian and Comparative Folklore)
Ülikooli 17-324
Kadri Voorand
Kadri Voorand
Visiting Professor of Liberal Arts
MA (Interpretation Pedagogy)
Sille Vadi
Sille Vadi
+372 737 5223
Ülikooli 17-321

Also an equal treatment support officer at the Institute

Ene Paldre
Ene Paldre
Academic Affairs Specialist 0.3 p
+372 737 5669
+372 737 5669
Ülikooli 17-321
Helen Hanni
Specialist for Administration Management 0.8 p
+372 737 5224
Ülikooli 17-321

Department of Literature and Theatre Research

Chair of Estonian Literature

Arne Merilai
Arne Merilai
Professor of Estonian Literature
cand (Philology)
+372 737 5219
Mart Velsker
Mart Velsker
Associate Professor of Estonian Literature
PhD (Estonian Literature)
+372 737 5219
Jaak Tomberg
Jaak Tomberg
Associate Professor of Estonian Literature
PhD (Comparative Literature)
Ülikooli 17-322
Leena Käosaar
Associate Professor of Cultural Theory
PhD (Comparative Literature)
Andrus Org
Andrus Org
Lecturer in Estonian Literature
PhD (Estonian Literature)
Sirel Heinloo
Sirel Heinloo
Junior Research Fellow in Estonian Literature 0.5 p
MA (Estonian Literature)
Piret Põldver
Piret Põldver
Junior Research Fellow in Estonian Literature
MA (Estonian Literature)
Pilleriin Puhlov
Junior Research Fellow in Estonian Literature
MA (Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature)

Chair of Comparative Literature

Liina Lukas
Liina Lukas
Head of Chair, Professor of Comparative Literature
PhD (Comparative Literature)
+372 737 6533
Kairit Kaur
Research Fellow in Comparative Literature 0.5 p
PhD (Comparative Literature)
Tetyana Kasima
Junior Research Fellow in Comparative Literature
MA (Comparative Literature)
Saara Lotta Linno
Saara Lotta Linno
Junior Research Fellow in Comparative Literature 0.5 p
MA (Comparative Literature)
Tanar Kirs
Junior Research Fellow in Comparative Literature 0.5 p
MA (Estonian Literature)
Elica Mateo
Elica Mateo Krikk
Academic Affairs Specialist 0.4 p
+372 737 5319

Chair of Theatre Research

Anneli Saro
Anneli Saro
Professor of Theatre Research
PhD (Estonian Literature)
Hedi-Liis Toome
Hedi-Liis Toome
Lecturer in Theatre Research, Programme Director, Programme Director
PhD (Theatric Science)
Ülikooli 17-323
Riina Oruaas
Riina Oruaas
Junior Lecturer in Theatre Research
MA (Theatric Science)
Ülikooli 17-323
Kristel Nõlvak
Kristel Nõlvak
Junior Research Fellow in Theatre Research
MA (Theatric Science)
Helen Kannus
Junior Research Fellow in Theatre Research
MA (Theatre Research)
Aivi Reimand
Aivi Reimand
Academic Affairs Specialist
+372 737 5219
Ülikooli 17-224

Literary Theory and Intermedial Studies

Marina Grišakova
Marina Grišakova
Head of Chair, Professor of Literary Theory
PhD (Comparative Literature)
+372 737 6533
Ülikooli 17-221
Siim Sorokin
Research Fellow in Cultural Studies and Digital Narratology 0.5 p
PhD (Folklore)
Paula Taberland
Junior Research Fellow in Comparative Literature
MA (Comparative Literature)
Marianne Lind
Junior Research Fellow in Comparative Literature
MA (Literary Science)
Elica Mateo
Elica Mateo Krikk
Academic Affairs Specialist 0.4 p
+372 737 5319

Chair of UNESCO

Kristin Kuutma
Kristin Kuutma
Head of Chair, Professor of Cultural Studies
PhD (Nordic Philology)
Ülikooli 17-327
Elo-Hanna Seljamaa
Elo-Hanna Seljamaa
Associate Professor of Estonian and Comparative Folklore, Programme Director for Folkloristics and Applied Heritage Studies
+372 5380 3961
Ülikooli 17-324
Siarhiej Makarevich
Siarhiej Makarevich
Junior Research Fellow in Ethnology
MA (Folkloristics and Applied Heritage Studies)

Department of Estonian and Comparative Folklore

Risto Järv
Risto Järv
Associate Professor of Estonian and Comparative Folklore 0.2 p
PhD (Estonian and Comparative Folklore)
Madis Arukask
Madis Arukask
Associate Professor of Estonian and Comparative Folklore
PhD (Estonian and Comparative Folklore)
Ülikooli 17-324
Jonathan Roper
Jonathan Roper
Associate Professor of English and Comparative Folklore
PhD (English Cultural Tradition)
+372 737 5304
Anastasiya Astapova
Anastasiya Astapova
Associate Professor of Folkloristics
PhD (Estonian and Comparative Folklore)
Ülikooli 17-324
Ergo-Hart Västrik
Ergo-Hart Västrik
Lecturer in Estonian and Comparative Folkloristics 0.2 p
PhD (Estonian and Comparative Folklore)
+372 737 6214
Kristel Kivari
Research Fellow in Estonian and Comparative Folklore
PhD (Folklore)
Ülikooli 17-324
Liisi Laineste
Research Fellow in Folkloristics 0.1 p
PhD (Estonian and Comparative Folklore)
Maili Pilt
Research Fellow in Folkloristics 0.3 p
PhD (Folkloristics)
+372 737 5304
Pihla Maria Siim
Pihla Maria Siim
Research Fellow in Folkloristics 0.2 p
PhD (Folklore Studies)
+372 737 6256
Tiina Sepp
Visiting Research Fellow 0.75 p
PhD (Estonian and Comparative Folklore)
Eliyahu Ilia Magin
Junior Research Fellow in Folkloristics
MA (Folkloristics and Applied Heritage Studies)
Michele Tita
Junior Research Fellow in Folkloristics 0.5 p
MA (Folkloristics and Applied Heritage Studies)
Haozhen Li
Junior Research Fellow in Folkloristics
MA (Folkloristics)
Kathi Koch
Junior Research Fellow in Folkloristics
MA (Cultural Management)
Wei Chen
Junior Research Fellow in Folkloristics
MA (Folkloristics and Applied Heritage Studies)
Rika Tapper
Academic Affairs Specialist
MA (Scandinavian Languages and Literatures)
+372 737 5304
Ülikooli 17-224

Department of Ethnology

Art Leete (foto: A. Tennus)
Art Leete
Professor of Ethnology, Programme Director for Literature and Cultural Research
PhD (Estonian and Comparative Folklore)
+372 737 6257
Ülikooli 17-327
Ene Kõresaar
Ene Kõresaar
Professor of Oral History and Memory Studies
PhD (Ethnology)
+372 737 5214
Ülikooli 17-327
Kirsti Jõesalu
Kirsti Jõesalu
Research Fellow in Ethnology
PhD (Ethnology)
+372 737 6256
Ülikooli 17-327
Jana Reidla
Jana Reidla
Research Fellow in Ethnology, Programme Director
PhD (Ethnology)
Ülikooli 17-327
Polina Holitsyna
Junior Research Fellow in Ethnology
MA (Folkloristics and Applied Heritage Studies)
Paulina Vitušcanka
Junior Research Fellow in Ethnology 0.5 p
MA (Folkloristics and Applied Heritage Studies)

Centre for Oriental Studies

Peeter Espak
Associate Professor of Sumerian Mythology and Literature 0.1 p
PhD (Theology)
Vladimir Sazonov
Associate Professor of Ancient Near Eastern Studies 0.1 p
PhD (History)
Holger Mölder
Research Fellow in Russian Studies 0.1 p
PhD (Political Science)
Teet Toome
Teet Toome
Librarian 0.2 p
MA (Comparative Literature)
Ülikooli 18-226

Arctic Studies Centre

Art Leete (foto: A. Tennus)
Art Leete
Head of Centre
PhD (Estonian and Comparative Folklore)
+372 737 6257
Eva Toulouze
Research Fellow in Ethnology 0.5 p
PhD (Finno-Ugric Philology)
Roland Karo
Roland Karo
Head of School
dr. theol.
+372 737 5962

Research interests:

  • systematic theology,
  • science-and-religion dialogue in general and the neuropsychology of religion and ritual behavior in particular,
  • neuropsychological links between human sexuality and spirituality.

CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information System

Priit Rohtmets
Priit Rohtmets
Vice Head of School
PhD (Theology)

Research interests:

  • Estonian, Baltic, and Scandinavian church history in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries,
  • state-church relations,
  • the history of Orthodox Churches in the Baltic states and in the Balkans,
  • the relationship between nationalism and religion in Northern Europe,
  • the ecumenical movement in the Baltic states and Scandinavia. 

CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information System

Kairi Ots
Kairi Ots
Coordinator 0.8 p
+372 737 5301
Ülikooli 18-310
Angela Aav
Angela Aav
Academic Affairs Specialist
+372 737 5300
Ülikooli 18-310

Chair of Church History

Riho Altnurme
Riho Altnurme
Professor of Church History
dr. theol.
+372 5344 1310
Ülikooli 18-312

Research interests:

  • history of theology in Estonia,
  • methodology and historiography of church history,
  • secularization,
  • interconfessional relations combined with national(ist) ideas,
  • Lutheran-Orthodox-Roman Catholic relations,
  • Baltic German heritage in Estonian context.

CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information System

Priit Rohtmets
Priit Rohtmets
Associate Professor of Church History
PhD (Theology)

Research interests:

  • Estonian, Baltic, and Scandinavian church history in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries,
  • state-church relations,
  • the history of Orthodox Churches in the Baltic states and in the Balkans,
  • the relationship between nationalism and religion in Northern Europe,
  • the ecumenical movement in the Baltic states and Scandinavia. 

CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information System

Irina Paert
Irina Paert
Associate Professor of Orthodox Church History
PhD (History)
James Matthew White
Research Fellow in Church History

Research interests:

  • history of the Orthodox Church in imperial Russia, inter-war Estonia, and the Soviet Union,
  • history of the Old Believers and edinoverie,
  • history of confessional pluralism and diversity,
  • history of freedom of conscience and religious toleration,
  • history of the Estonian Swedes.

CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information System


Liina Eek
Research Fellow in Church History 0.15 p
PhD (Religious Studies)

Research interests:

  • sociological studies of religion in the contemporary Estonian Orthodox Church,
  • conciliarity (sobornost) in the contemporary Estonian Orthodox Church.

CV and publications in Estonian Research Information System

Alison Ruth Kolosova
Alison Ruth Kolosova
Research Fellow in Church History 0.5 p
PhD (Theology)

Research interests: 

  • Orthodox church history and theology,
  • history of the Russian Orthodox Church, particularly among Russia’s non-Slavic peoples in the imperial period,
  • intercultural theology,
  • interfaith dialogue,
  • missiology,
  • ecumenical relations.

CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information System

Rahel Toomik
Rahel Toomik
Junior Research Fellow in Theology
MA (Theology)
Ülikooli 18-309A

Research interests:

  • Academic literature of Tartu University in the Early Modern Era,
  • Neo-Latin language and rhetoric,
  • Intellectual history and textual hermeneutics.

CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information System

Chair of Systematic Theology

Anne Kull
Anne Kull
Professor of Systematic Theology
PhD (Theology)
+372 737 5964
Ülikooli 18-314

Research interests:

  • contemporary theology,
  • science-and-religion,
  • philosophies of religion and science,
  • intercultural theology and interreligious studies,
  • gender studies,
  • theological anthropology. 

CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information System

Roland Karo
Roland Karo
Lecturer in Systematic Theology
dr. theol.
+372 737 5962
Ülikooli 18-314

Research interests:

  • systematic theology,
  • science-and-religion dialogue in general and the neuropsychology of religion and ritual behavior in particular,
  • neuropsychological links between human sexuality and spirituality.

CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information System

Enn Kasak
Visiting Lecturer
cand (Physics-Mathematics)

Research interests:

  • philosophy of science,
  • religiosity in science,
  • dialogue between science and religion,
  • pragmaticist approach to reality.

CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information System

Viktar Niachayeu
Viktar Niachayeu
Junior Research Fellow in Theology
MA (Intercultural Theology)
Ülikooli 18-309A

Research interests:

  • general, systematic and practical Christian theology, 
  • connection between Christian theology and positive/existential psychology,
  • Eastern and Western Christian asceticism and spirituality in modern application. 

Chair of Practical Theology

Lea Altnurme
Lea Altnurme
Associate Professor of Sociology of Religion
dr. theol.
Ülikooli 18-312

Research interests:

  • religiosity of Estonians in history and today,
  • religious trends in the western cultural space in the 21st century. 

CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information System

Olga Schihalejev
Olga Schihalejev
Associate Professor of Religious Education
dr. theol.
Ülikooli 18-312

Research interests:

  • didactics of religious education,
  • values of education in schools more broadly, and issues related to cultural and religious diversity in schools from the perspective of both learners and teachers.

CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information System

Kaido Soom
Kaido Soom
Lecturer in Practical Theology
dr. theol.
+372 5662 0334
Ülikooli 18-312

Research interests:

  • practical theology,
  • analysis of confirmation and sociological research on the Christian worldview,
  • analysis of Christian worship and the process of liturgical renewal in the Lutheran Church.

CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information System

Robert Bunder
Junior Research Fellow in Theology
MA (Theology)

Research interests: 

  • practical and systematic theology,
  • Christian faith and practice in modern society,
  • Lutheran identity and developments in Lutheran theology,
  • different forms and factions of Christianity.
Pille-Riin Makilla
Pille-Riin Makilla
Junior Research Fellow in Didactics of Humanities
MA (Religious Education)

Research interests:

  • methodology and didactics of humanities and social studies,
  • teaching of sensitive and controversial topics,
  • students' experiences with sensitive and controversial learning content. 
CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information System
Tõnu Lehtsaar
Tõnu Lehtsaar
Professor of Psychology of Religion (employment contract suspended) 0.8 p
PhD (Psychology of Religion)
+372 502 3626 (3626)

Research interests:

  • psychology of religion,
  • pastoral psychology,
  • psychology of interpersonal conflict and public speaking,
  • psychology of pastoral counseling.

CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information System

Chair of New Testament Studies

Ain Riistan
Ain Riistan
Lecturer in New Testament, Programme Director
dr. theol. (Theology)
Ülikooli 18-309A

Research interests:

  • interpretation of the Early Christian texts from the perspective of cultural analysis,
  • interaction of religion and society.

CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information System


Ergo Naab
Ergo Naab
Research Fellow in New Testament 0.5 p
PhD (Studies of Cultures)
Ülikooli 18-309A

Research interests:

  • socio-historical and ideological research of the New Testament,
  • Jewish literature of the late Second Temple period. 

CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information System

Chair of the Old Testament and Semitic Studies

Urmas Nõmmik
Urmas Nõmmik
Professor of Old Testament and Semitic Studies
+372 737 5962
+372 503 6326
Ülikooli 18-309

Research interests:

  • form history of the Ancient Hebrew and West Semitic literature (wisdom, psalms, prophetic literature, narratives),
  • history of traditions and religion of Ancient Israel in the first and second temple periods,
  • exegesis, hermeneutics and theology of the Old Testament / Hebrew Bible,
  • literary, form and reception history of the Book of Job.

CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information System

Amar Annus
Amar Annus
Associate Professor of Near Eastern Religions
Ülikooli 18-309

Research interests:

  • Semitic philology,
  • folkloristics,
  • the comparative study of ancient narratives,
  • the ideological and cultural aspects of ancient Near Eastern societies, 
  • anthropology,
  • evolutionary psychology,
  • cognitive science of religion, which approaches he aspires to apply alongside with traditional philology in the study of historical texts,
  • cognitive historiography.

CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information system

Anu Põldsam
Anu Põldsam
Lecturer in Jewish Studies
PhD (Theology)
Ülikooli 18-309

Research interests:

  • history of Jewish ideas and identity and Jewish ethics,
  • religion in modern-day Israel,
  • history of Jewish ideas in 19th century,
  • religious and cultural life of the Estonian Jewish community in the first half of the 20th century,
  • reception history of the biblical book of Job in early rabbinic literature.

CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information System

Andreas Johandi
Andreas Johandi
Research Fellow in Near Eastern Religions
PhD (Religious Studies)
Ülikooli 18-309

Research interests:

  • religious history of the ancient Near Eastern region,
  • the early (pre-Hammurapi) Mesopotamian pantheon with a focus on the deities of magic and healing,
  • parallels between the Old Testament and the ancient Near Eastern literatures,
  • the religions and history of ancient and modern Iran. 

CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information System

Jason Van Boom
Jason Cronbach Van Boom
Visiting Research Fellow
MA (Philosophy)

Research interests:

  • Semiotics of Abrahamic religions, with a focus on Judaism and Eastern Orthodox Christianity;
  • modeling information dynamics within Jewish and other communities, considered as semiospheres; 
  • Semiotics of Jewish identity, especially in terms of individual agency navigating within and among semiospheres;
  • Juri Lotman and C.S. Peirce studies.
Agne Pilvisto
Junior Research Fellow in Religious Studies
MA (Comparative Literature)
Sander Tulk
Sander Tulk
Junior Research Fellow in Theology
Ülikooli 18-309A

Research interests:

  • exegesis, hermeneutics, and theology of the Old Testament / Hebrew Bible,
  • the development, form, and interpretation history of the Books of Jonah and Joel,
  • the influence of linguistic and literary studies methods on reading Old Testament narratives.
Kristin Klaus
Junior Research Fellow in Religious Studies 0.5 p
MA (Classical Philology)
Ülikooli 18-309A

Research interests:

  • classical philology (Ancient Greek and Latin),
  • the style and poetry of the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible (Septuagint),
  • Old Greek Job.
CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information System
Lily Naruski
Junior Research Fellow in Religious Studies (employment contract suspended)
MA (Religious Studies)

Research interests:

  • hasidism.

CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information System

Chair of Comparative Religious Studies

jaan lahe
Jaan Lahe
Associate Professor of Religious Studies 0.2 p
dr. theol.

Research interests:

  • Religious history of the Roman empire,
  • so called oriental cults in the Roman empire,
  • cult of Mithras,
  • gnosticism.

CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information System

Atko Remmel
Atko-Sulhan Remmel
Associate Professor of Religious Studies
dr. theol.
Ülikooli 18-313

Research interests:

  • intellectual history and sociology of religion,
  • Soviet antireligious policy and atheist propaganda,
  • secularization,
  • historical and contemporary forms of religion and nonreligiosity,
  • changes in the religious landscape,
  • and the junctions of (non)religion and nationalism, and (non)religion and nature.

CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information System

Elo Süld
Elo Süld
Lecturer in Islamic Studies 0.5 p
PhD (Theology)
Ülikooli 18-308

Research interests:

  • historical and present-day context of Islam,
  • the diversity problems in Islamic countries,
  • Islamophobia in Estonia.

CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information System

Erki Lind
Erki Lind
Lecturer in Religious Studies
PhD (Religious Studies)
Ülikooli 18-308

Research interests:

  • religious concepts of the human body,
  • the relations between verbal and physical expressions of religiosity, and areas of cultural contact. This may involve historical contacts between people with different religious backgrounds, as well as overlapping of vernacular and literary cultures in texts and practices, which offer different perspectives for viewing the world.

CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information System

Indrek Peedu
Indrek Peedu
Lecturer in Religious Studies
PhD (Religious Studies)
Ülikooli 18-308

Research interests:

  • Method and Theory in the Study of Religion,
  • Evolutionary and Cognitive Sciences of Religion,
  • Intellectual history of Social, Cultural and Religious Evolutionism,
  • History of the Study of Religion.

CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information System

Reyhaneh Ghoroghchian
Reyhaneh Ghoroghchian
Junior Research Fellow in Religious Studies
MA (Folkloristics and Applied Heritage Studies)

Research interests:

  • folklore and religious syncretism,
  • the influence of pre-Islamic traditions on modern Iranian religious practices,
  • the relationship between vernacular beliefs and Islamic orthodoxy in Iran.

University of Tartu Asia Centre

Elo Süld
Elo Süld
Head of Centre
PhD (Theology)
Ülikooli 18-308

Research interests:

  • historical and present-day context of Islam,
  • the diversity problems in Islamic countries,
  • Islamophobia in Estonia.

CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information System

Helen Haas
Helen Haas
Research Fellow in Middle Eastern Studies 0.375 p, Middle East Coordinator 0.3 p
PhD (Religious Studies)
Ülikooli 18-308
Anastasia Sinitsyna
Research Fellow in Asian Studies
PhD (Economics)

Research interests:

  • globalization and labor market adjustments to global structural shocks,
  • migration and economic and social integration of immigrants,
  • digitalization and new ways of work, including growth of remote work, rise of coworking spaces and increasing flexibility of work.

CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information System

Evelyn Pihla
Evelyn Pihla
Head of Communication and Administration 0.6 p
MA (Information and Knowledge Management)
+372 5615 8017
+372 737 6380
Ülikooli 20-315
Mari-Liis Tina
Librarian 0.6 p
Lossi 3-208

Department of English Studies

Djuddah Leijen
Djuddah Arthur Joost Leijen
Associate Professor of English Language
PhD (General Linguistics)
Lossi 3-306
Jane Klavan
Jane Klavan
Associate Professor of English Language 0.2 p
PhD (General Linguistics)
Lossi 3-332
Liina Tammekänd
Liina Tammekänd
Lecturer in English Language and Linguistics
PhD (General Linguistics)
Lossi 3-324
Pilvi Rajamäe
Lecturer in English Literature
PhD (English Language and Literature)
Lossi 3-334
Katiliina Gielen
Katiliina Gielen
Lecturer in English Language and Translation Studies
PhD (English Language and Literature)
Reeli Torn-Leesik
Reeli Torn-Leesik
Lecturer in English Language and Linguistics, Programme Director for English Language and Literature
PhD (General Linguistics)
Natalja Zagura
Natalja Zagura
Junior Lecturer in English Language and Teaching Methodology
MA (English Language and Literature)
Lossi 3-324
Eva Rein
Junior Lecturer in English Language and Canadian Literature
Lossi 3-334
Anneli Sigus
Anneli Sigus
Junior Lecturer in English and Language Education
MA (Teacher of English)
Ele Sepp
Ele Sepp
Teacher of English Language
mag (Interpreting)
Lossi 3-335
Anett Raup
Teacher of English Language
MA (Translation)
Lossi 3-335
Ülle Türk
Ülle Türk
Teacher of English Language and Culture 0.5 p
MA (Linguistics)
Lossi 3-324
Sara Bedard-Goulet
Sara Bédard-Goulet
Visiting Research Fellow in Environmental Humanities 0.5 p
PhD (Contemporary Literature)
Eret Talviste
Research Fellow in Contemporary English Literature
PhD (English Literature)
Lossi 3-335
Susanna Soosaar
Susanna Soosaar
Research Fellow in English Literature
PhD (English Language and Literature)
Denys Savchenko
Junior Research Fellow in English Language and Literature
MA (English Language and Literature)
Ave Palm
Junior Research Fellow in English Language and Literature
MA (Teacher of English)
Ester Suur
Junior Research Fellow in English Language and Literature
MA (English Language and Literature)
Janine Aloe
Junior Research Fellow in English Language and Literature

Department of Classical Studies

Janika Päll
Head of Department, Professor of Classical Philology 0.6 p
PhD (Classical Philology)
Lossi 3-408
Maria-Kristiina Lotman
Maria-Kristiina Lotman
Associate Professor of Classical Philology
PhD (Classical Philology)
+372 737 6252
Lossi 3-405
Kadri Novikov
Kadri Novikov
Lecturer in Classical Philology, Programme Director for Classical Studies
PhD (Classical Philology)
Lossi 3-407
Kaidi Hõbejõgi
Kaidi Hõbejõgi
Lecturer in Latin Language
PhD (Classical Philology)
Lossi 3-407
Neeme Näripä
Lecturer in Latin and Ancient Greek
PhD (Classical Philology)
Lossi 3-407
Ivo Volt
Ivo Volt
Lecturer in Classical Studies 0.5 p
PhD (Classical Philology)
+372 527 1764
+372 737 6252
Lossi 3-405
Anni Polding
Junior Research Fellow in Classical Philology
MA (Classical Philology)
Elica Mateo
Elica Mateo Krikk
Academic Affairs Specialist
+372 737 5319
Lossi 3-422

Department of Romance Studies

Anu Treikelder
Anu Treikelder
Lecturer in French Language and Linguistics, Programme Director for Romance Studies, Programme Director for Teacher of Foreign Languages
PhD (French Language and Literature)
Lossi 3-404
Mari Kruse
Mari Kruse
Lecturer in Spanish Language and Linguistics, Programme Director for European Languages and Cultures
PhD (Spanish Language and Literature)
+372 737 5319
Lossi 3-420
Marge Käsper
Marge Käsper
Lecturer in French Language and Linguistics 0.5 p, Research Fellow in French Language 0.5 p
PhD (French Language and Literature)
Lossi 3-403
Klaarika Kaldjärv
Klaarika Kaldjärv
Lecturer in Spanish Literature and Translation Studies
PhD (Spanish Language and Literature)
+372 737 5319
Lossi 3-420
Marri Amon
Marri Amon
Lecturer in French Language and Translation Studies 0.5 p
PhD (General Linguistics)
Lossi 3-403
Annika Mikkel
Annika Mikkel
Lecturer in Italian and Latin Language
PhD (Classical Philology)
Lossi 3-407
Kairi Güsson
Teacher of Spanish
MA (Culture management)
+372 5662 9329
Lossi 3-419
Reet Alas
Reet Alas
Teacher of French Language
PhD (French Language and Literature)
Lossi 3-419
Liudmyla Parfeniuk
Junior Research Fellow in Germanic and Romance Languages and Literatures 0.5 p
MA (French Language and Literature)
Virginia Rapún Mombiela
Junior Research Fellow in Germanic and Romance Studies 0.5 p
+372 737 5319
Lossi 3
Ehte Puhang
Junior Research Fellow in Spanish Language and Literature
MA (Semiotics and Culture Studies)
Elica Mateo
Elica Mateo Krikk
Academic Affairs Specialist 0.5 p
+372 737 5319
Lossi 3-422
Marju Adams
Marju Adams
Academic Affairs Specialist
+372 737 5354
Lossi 3-422

Department of German Studies

Daniel Kulesza
Daniel Kulesza
Visiting Lecturer in German Language and Literature
Lossi 3-312
Greta Kuus
Teacher of German
MA (Teacher of German Language)
Lossi 3-314
Milvi Kaber
Milvi Kaber
Academic Affairs Specialist 0.5 p
+372 737 5228
Lossi 3-311

Department of Slavic Studies

Tatjana Stepaništševa
Tatjana Stepaništševa
Head of Department, Lecturer in Russian Literature, Programme Director for Russian and Slavonic Philology, Programme Director
PhD (Russian Literature)
Roman Leibov
Roman Leibov
Associate Professor of Russian Literature
PhD (Russian Literature)
Lossi 3-219
Mihhail Orehhov
Mihhail Orehhov
Teacher of Russian Language
MA (Teacher of Russian Language and Literature)
Lossi 3-222
Janeli Nõlvand
Teacher of Russian Language
MA (Teacher of Russian Language and Literature)
Lossi 3-222
Anna Murashova
Junior Research Fellow in Russian Language and Literature
MA (Philology)
Aliona Kuts
Junior Research Fellow in Russian Language and Literature
MA (Russian and Slavonic Philology)
Liudmila Nikolaeva
Liudmila Nikolaeva
Junior Research Fellow in Russian Language and Literature 0.5 p
MA (Primary School Teacher in Multilingual School)
Evgeny Zavadskiy
Junior Research Fellow in Russian Language and Literature
mag (Literary Creation)
Ekaterina Konakova
Junior Research Fellow in Russian Language and Literature
MA (Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language)
Irina Külmoja
Irina Külmoja
Project Manager 0.1 p
cand (Philology)
+372 737 5352
Lossi 3-224

Department of Scandinavian Studies

Antonina Kostina_HV_Foto_Andres_Tennus.jpeg
Antonina Kostina
Head of Department, Teacher of Norwegian Language 0.5 p, Programme Director
MA (Norwegian Language and Literature)
Kristina Mullamaa
Kristina Mullamaa
Lecturer in English and Swedish Language
PhD (English Language and Literature)
Øyvind Rangøy on Tartu Ülikooli norra keele ja kirjanduse külalislektor ja norra-eesti luuletaja
Øyvind Rangøy
Visiting Lecturer in Norwegian Language and Literature
Lossi 3-318
Mie Mortensen
Mie Mortensen
Visiting Lecturer in Danish Language and Literature
MPhil (Russian Language and Literature)
Lossi 3-317
Maiu Elken
Maiu Elken
Teacher of Swedish 0.5 p
MA (Nordic Philology)
Lossi 3-316

Department of Translation and Interpretation Studies

Külliki Steinberg
Junior Research Fellow in Germanic and Romance Studies 0.5 p
MA (Translation)
Milvi Kaber
Milvi Kaber
Academic Affairs Specialist
+372 737 5228
Lossi 3-311

Department of Languages of the Asian Region

Tiina Kattel
Tiina Kattel
Head of Department
MA (Comparative Literature)
+372 516 0104
Lossi 3-412
Eri Miyano
Eri Miyano
Teacher of Japanese Language
MA (Japanese Language and Culture)
Lossi 3-410
Mart Tšernjuk
Mart Tšernjuk
Teacher of Chinese Language 0.8 p
MA (History)
Lossi 3-410

Department of Languages of the Baltic Region

Tiina Kattel
Tiina Kattel
Head of Department, Junior Lecturer in Estonian and Lithuanian
MA (Comparative Literature)
+372 516 0104
Lossi 3-412
Ilze Talberga
Ilze Talberga
Lecturer in Latvian and Estonian Language
PhD (Estonian Language)
Lossi 3-410
Piret Toomet
Piret Toomet
Teacher of Estonian Language
MA (Estonian Language)
Lossi 3-411
Gerli Lokk
Gerli Lokk
Teacher of Estonian
MA (Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature)
Lossi 3-411
Monika Urb
Teacher of Estonian
MA (Teacher of Estonian as a Foreign Language)
Lossi 3-411
Sille Midt
Teacher of Estonian
MA (Teacher of Estonian as a Foreign Language)
Sälly Salusoo
Sälly Salusoo
Teacher of Estonian (employment contract suspended)
MA (Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature)

Centre for Academic Writing and Communication

Djuddah Leijen
Djuddah Arthur Joost Leijen
Head of Centre
PhD (General Linguistics)
Lossi 3-306

Test Centre

Ele Sepp
Ele Sepp
Head of Centre
mag (Interpreting)
Lossi 3-335
Reevo Maidla
Reevo Maidla
Head of Administration
MA (Entrepreneurship and Technology Management)
+372 5167 870
Anu Maidla
Secretary (employment contract suspended)

Academic Affairs Specialists

Kadri Roht
Academic Affairs Specialist
Community Education and Hobby Activity (Professional Higher Education), Choreography
+372 5877 5052
Margit Simenson
Academic Affairs Specialist
Performing Arts
+372 435 5246
+372 526 2515
Taivi Mölder
Academic Affairs Specialist
Music (Professional Higher Education)
+372 434 5807
Heli Nurme
Specialist in Academic Affairs
Culture Management (Professional Higher Education)
+372 5310 1611
Lembe Rätsep
Academic Affairs Specialist
Estonian Native Crafts (Professional Higher Education)
+372 435 5249
Egle Sild
Academic Affairs Specialist
MA (Inclusive Education)
Teacher of Arts and Technology (MA), Creative Applications of Cultural Heritage (MA), Sound and Visual Technology (MA)
+372 434 5805

Support Staff

Marge Robam
Formal Education Coordinator
MA (Art Teacher)
Specialist in Academic Affairs of MA ''Creative project management''
+372 5300 2207
Liana Roos
Coordinator of Science Activities 0.5 p
MA (Adult Education)
Piret Talur
Programme Director of Community Education and Hobby Activity 0.5 p
MA (Social Work)
+372 5422 0542
Marek Mühlberg
Manager of Business Incubator, Programme Director of Management of Creative Projects
MBA (Entrepreneurship and Technology Management)
Krista Tamm
International Relations Specialist
+372 435 5231
+372 5300 2782 (2782)
Eero Ehala
Specialist in Stage Technology and Prop-Making
+372 5346 5213

Academic Staff

Villu Talsi
Lecturer 0.5 p
MA (Traditional Music Performer - Musician)
Ave Matsin
Lecturer in Estonian Native Textile, Programme Director
MA (Art)
+372 526 2510
Marek Talts
Lecturer in Rhythm Music Guitar
MA (Teacher of Arts and Technology)
Anu Sööt
PhD (Educational Science)
+372 520 9424
Riina Tomberg
Lecturer in Estonian Native Textiles and Product Development 0.5 p
MA (Arts and Cultural Anthropology)
Liina Unt
Lecturer in Performing Arts Visual Technology 0.5 p
PhD (Art and Design)
Kristi Jõeste
Lecturer in Estonian Native Textiles 0.75 p
MA (Semiotics and Culture Studies)
+372 520 0340
Astri Kaljus
Lecturer in Estonian Native Textile 0.75 p
MA (Native Crafts)
Marko Mägi
Lecturer in Rhythm Music Theory, Programme Director
MA (Teacher of Music)
+372 5635 8103
Mart Soobik
Lecturer in Didactics of Technology 0.25 p
PhD (Educational Sciences)
Christi Kütt
Lecturer in Estonian Native Textile 0.75 p
MA (Arts and Cultural Anthropology)
Madis Rennu
Junior Lecturer in Native Craft 0.75 p
MA (Ethnology)
+372 502 3176
Piret Viirpalu
Junior Lecturer in Art Education Methodology 0.25 p
MA (Pedagogy)
Jorma Sarv
Junior Lecturer in Culture Management 0.5 p, Programme Director for Culture Management
Diana Tuulik
Junior Lecturer in Materials Studies 0.5 p
MBA (Service Design and Management)
Kelly Veinberg
Junior Lecturer in Traditional Music Violin 0.35 p
MA (Creative Applications of Cultural Heritage)
Merle Saarva
Junior Lecturer in Bodywork and Improvisation 0.5 p
MSc (Health Sciences)
Lennart Peep
Junior Lecturer in Stage Directing 0.75 p
MA (Theatre Research)
Virgo Sillamaa
Junior Lecturer in Management of Creative Projects 0.5 p
MA (Public Administration and Innovation)
Anu Rannu
Junior Lecturer in Culture Management 0.5 p
MA (Cultural Management)
Indrek Ikkonen
Junior Lecturer in Jewellery, Programme Director for Creative Applications of Cultural Heritage
MA (Creative Applications of Cultural Heritage)
Tiiu Tamm
Junior Lecturer in Performing Arts Production 0.5 p, Programme Director
MA (Theatre Research)
+372 524 6543
Piret Eit
Teacher 0.75 p
MA (Youth Work and Social Equity)
Marko Veisson
Teacher in Sociology and Cultural Anthropology 0.35 p
MA (Sociology)
Kadri Tüür
Research Fellow 0.1 p
PhD (Semiotics and Culture Studies)
Haldur Õim
Academician, Professor emeritus
DrSci (Philology)
Urmas Sutrop
Urmas Sutrop
Professor Emeritus
PhD (General Linguistics)
+372 520 7188
Märt Tänava
Associate Professor emeritus
cand (History)